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2024 Shandong University International Summer School on Chinese Archaeology
发布时间:2024年03月07日 10:00    作者:    点击:[]

The International Summer School on Chinese Archaeology held by the School of Archaeology and Institute of Cultural Heritage, Shandong University will run from Monday 8thJuly to Monday 15thJuly 2024.

Course description

This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the knowledge of human history with an emphasis on the insights gained from Chinese archaeological findings. The journey begins from the earliest hominin species, delving into the rise of modern humans, the advent of food production, and the subsequent formation of villages, early urban centers, and states. These issues will be examined within the context of global history. The curriculum aims to explore the differentiation and integration between Eastern and Western worlds during the Paleolithic era, and the patterns of early globalization and connectivity across the Eurasian continent throughout the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. With thematic and case study analyses of archaeological sites and findings, this course provides students with an immersive experience into the excitement of archaeology in China, while simultaneously expanding their comprehension of world prehistory.

Course outline


Chinese Ancient Civilization in East Asia Culture Context

Early Paleolithic in China

Middle to Late Paleolithic in China

The origin of modern human: evidence from Chinese human fossils

Early Chinese Civilization and Social Complexity

Animal and Plant Subsistence of Early China

Bronze production and the political economy of the Shang state

Ancient Chinese Ceramic Technology and their Archaeological Analysis

Gender studies of early China

Silk Road and Cultural Exchanges between Eastern and Western Cultures

Made for the Dead: Funerary Arts of Ancient China

Course period

Morning Sessions (July 8-13): Enlightening Lectures above-outlined.

Afternoon Sessions (July 8-13): Interactive Lab Experience & Discussions

Field Trips (July 14-15): Rich cultural experiences: Archaeological Field-School &Laboratory and Museum Visits

For more information email us atChineseArchaeology@outlook.com


Application deadline: May 31, 2024

Looking forward to meeting you at Shandong University in Qingdao!

上一条:山东大学考古学院(含文化遗产研究院)2024年博士“申请-考核制”拟录取名单(新增) 下一条:“环境与社会考古国际拔尖人才培养项目”2024年第一批人员选派通告


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