1980.9-1985.7 清华大学化学与化学工程系 获学士学位
1985.9-1988.7 清华大学化学系 获硕士学位
1997.1-2000.4 英国伦敦大学考古学院 获博士学位
1988.7-1996.12 北京大学考古系讲师
1995.9-1996.10 美国史密森学院访问学者
2000.12-2003.1 英国谢菲尔德大学考古系博士后
2003.2-2004.8 伦敦大学伯克白克学院生物与化学系博士后
2004.8-2019.11 大英博物馆科技部资深科学家
2019.12-至今 山东大学文化遗产研究院特聘教授
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “何以古代中国创造了青铜铸造技术奇迹—侯马陶范的研究解析”(52072220);
2. 国家重点研发计划项目课题 “馆藏脆弱铁质文物典型病害机理和环境因素作用研究”(2020YFC1522102)
3. 英国铁器时代大型金属容器制作技术研究
Wang, Q.,Raphael Hermann,Rachel J. Crellin, et al, 2020.Bronze Age Combat,An experimental approach. BAR International Series S2967.
Wang, Q. and Ottaway, B. S., 2004. Casting Experiments and Microstructure of Archaeologically Relevant Bronzes. BAR International Series 1331.
Wang, Q., 2002. Metalworking technology and deterioration of Jin bronzes from the Tianma-Qucun site, Shanxi, China. BAR International Series 1023.
Wang, Q., 2021. Tin-rich surface decoration of Chinese bronzes: a case study of the British Museum collection, Archaeometry 63(1): 105-121.
Wang, Q., 2021. Technical Studies of Balkan White Metal Jewellery of the Nineteenth–Twentieth Centuries, Studies in Conservation 66 (2): 113-126.
Wang, Q., Su, R., O’Flynn, D. and Chen, Y., 2020. Manufacturing techniques of Eastern Zhou bronze ding vessels with short legs: a case study of bronze ding (1949,0711.1) in the British Museum collection,Historical Metallurgy 53(1):1-9.
王全玉,2020. 馆藏金属器物上浅蓝色铜锈蚀物的辨别与成因分析, 文物保护与考古科学37(6): 117-125.
Wang, Q.,Chen,Y. and Tamburini,D., 2020. Was Lacquer the Key Ingredient For Luxurious Jinyin Pingtuo Products in the Tang Dynasty of China (Ad 618–907)? Archaeometry 62(3): 646-659.
Wang, Q., Chen, Y., Su., R. 2019. Houma bronzes in the British Museum: a technical study. Orientations November/December, 44-63.
Wang, Q., Strekopytov, S., Roberts, B.W., 2018. Copper ingots from a probable Bronze Age shipwreck off the coast of Salcombe, Devon: composition and microstructure.J. of Archaeological Science 97, 102-117.
Wang, Q., 2017. Chapter 6: Metal Analysis, inA. Baldwin and J. Joy (eds.), A Celtic Feast: The Iron Age Cauldrons from Chiseldon, Wiltshire. London: The British Museum Research Publication 203, 67-77.
Wang, Q., Strekopytov, S., Roberts, B.W., Wilkin, N., 2016, Tin ingots from a probable Bronze Age shipwreck off the coast of Salcombe, Devon: Composition and microstructure, J. of Archaeological Science 67, 80-92.
Wang, Q., Priewe, S. and La Niece, S., 2014. A Technical Study of Inlaid Eastern Zhou Bronzes in the British Museum Focusing on a Unique Figure of a Leaping Feline, ISIJ International 54 (5) 1131–1138.
Wang, Q. and Priewe, S., 2013. Scientific analysis of a Buddha attributed to the Yongle period of the Ming dynasty, British Museum Technical Research Bulletin7, 61–68.
Wang, Q., 2012. Technical Studies of Three Gui Vessels of the Early Western Zhou period in the British Museum Collection, in P. Jett, B. McCarthy and J.G. Douglas (eds.), Scientific Research on Ancient Asian Metallurgy, Proceedings of the Fifth Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art, London: Archetype Publication Ltd. 63-72.
Wang, Q., Huang, H. and Shearman, F., 2009. Bronzes from the Sacred Animal Necropolis at Saqqara, Egypt: a study of the metals and corrosion, The British Museum Technical Research Bulletin, 3,73-82.
Wang, Q., Dove, S., Shearman F., and Smirniou, M., 2008. Evaluation of methods of chloride ion concentration determination and effectiveness of desalination treatments using sodium hydroxide and alkaline sulphite solutions.The Conservator, 31, 67-74.
Wang, Q., 2007. Effects of relative humidity on the corrosion of iron: an experimental view, The British Museum Technical Research Bulletin, 1, 65-73.
Wang, Q., 2007. An investigation of deterioration of archaeological iron. Studies in Conservation, 52 (2), 125-134.
Wang, Q. and Andrews, K. C., 2002. Technological investigation of the decorative coatings on Yangshao pottery from Henan, China. Archaeometry, 44(2), 241-250.
Wang, Q. and Merkel, J. F., 2001. Studies on the redeposition of copper in Jin bronzes from Tianma-Qucun, Shanxi, China. Studies in Conservation, 46(4), 242-250.
Wang, Q. and Qin, D. 2001. Physical and Chemical Analyses and a Structural Study of Porcelain Shards from the CizhouGuantai Kiln Site, in Su Bai (ed.), Archaeology Cultural Relics Studies and Modern Science and Technology, Beijing: People Publishing House, 258-274.
Wang, Q., Odlyha, M., and Cohen, N. S., 2000. Thermal analyses of selected soil samples from the tombs at the Tianma-Qucun site, Shanxi, China. Thermochimica Acta, special issue “Preservation of Cultural Heritage”, 365(1/2), 189-195.
王全玉,1995, 山东坡地磁州窑瓷器的研究,硅酸盐学报,23 (1), 55-60.
王全玉,1994,观台磁州窑瓷器的研究,中国陶瓷,6, 55-61.
王全玉,1994, 吉州窑黑釉瓷器的研究,中国陶瓷,4, 55-59.
博士期间所获奖学金:Tylecote Scholarship
Getty Scholarship
Overseas Research Student Awards
曾任伦敦大学考古学院(Institute of Archaeology, University College London)名誉研究员
英国文化遗产学会 (English Heritage)冶金考古顾问